For four weeks we’ve been in a state of emergency. Not just here in Norway, but in the rest of the world as well. With Covid-19 did we not only get fear and sickness, but also several travel bans and restrictions. The Easter Holiday, which many of us usually spends at the cabin, had to be celebrated at home, and all our planned travels and concerts gets cancelled.
It’s frightening times these days. And that’s exactly why this is when we have to find joy in the small things. Local happiness. I have spent the last few weeks exploring the area where I live in Oslo.
Local trips, and hopefully local travels inside Norway is what we’ll get to do in the upcoming months. Luckily we’re really lucky, living in this gorgeous country with so much to offer. This is why I’ve decided to present to you my Oslo favourites.

In this blog post I will focus on some local, nice camping tips you can try out in Oslomarka.
Post last updated: 14th of April 2020
Nøklevann in Østmarka is almost a bit like “home” to me. This is where I was wandering around as a child, where the field trips with school was, and where I biked around and went swimming during summers. Nøklevann is just over 3 km long, and has a lot of good options both for camping with a tent and for hammocks. A great spot for hiking, also for those with prams or wheelchairs.
How to get to Nøklevann:
Great parking options both at Haraløkka, and by Rustadsaga sportsstue (next to Skullerud ungdomsskole).
Catch the metro line 3 Mortensrud to the Bogerud stop, then follow the road General Ruges vei until you’ll get to the parking next to Skullerud ungdomsskole. From here you go up to Rustadsaga, and voila, you’re in the forest. As an alternative you can get off the metro at Bøler, the stop next to Bogerud on line 3. From here you you follow Utmarksveien to Haraløkka. Both options gives you just a quick walk until you hit the forest.


Hauktjern is a lake in Østmarka, just East of Nøklevann. Here you’ll find several great spots for both tents and for hanging out with your hammock. Hauktjern is also a popular destination for climbers, and from our camping spot we could watch those who went climbing.
If you visit Hauktjern you’ll also pass the famous place Sarabråten. This is both a nice spot to stop for a break, but also for some history. You can see several well preserved house walls form the 1800s, Speiderstøtten (a statue for the scouts) and a memorial for local Milorgs who dies during WWII.

Photo: Caroline Photo: Caroline

How to get to Hauktjern:
A good start point is the parking spot next to Ulsrudvann badeplass. This gives you a nice hike. Alternatively you can park at the end of Østmarkveien, by Østmarksetra.
Catch the metro, line 3 Mortensrud, to Ulsrud metro stop. This is the closest stop, but be aware that you’ll start with a pretty steep uphill from here (might be quite heavy with a well equipped backpack on) up to Ulsrudvann. Alternatively you can also start out from the metro stops Oppdal, Bøler and Bogerud (all after each other on the metro line 3).

Lille Åklungen
Lille Åklungen is a smaller lake, just about 1 km long, in Nordmarka, located North-West for Sognsvann. Here you’ll find many nice places both for tents and hammocks, and you don’t have to risk waking up to half of Oslo’s population walking by.

Large parking spot at Sognsvann. From here it’s about 4 km to walk to Lille Åklungen.
Catch the metro line 5 Sognsvann all the way to the last stop. From here you’ll walk past Sognsvann. At the West side of the North end of the lake, right by the toilets, you’ll find a path marked with blue. Follow this, and you’ll end up at Lille Åklungen.

Øyungen is a destination in Maridalen which is perfect for families. You’ll get here by following a dirt road, on which both prams and wheelchairs will have access. There’s also toilets here, meaning this is a nice spot for those who’s not too seasoned as campers (example: if you go camping with kids).

How to get to Øyungen:
A large parking spot at Skar.
Catch the bus line 51 Maridalen to the end stop Skar. The bus goes from Nydalen metro station.

There are several ways to go from Skar up to Fagervann. Google has many options, but all of which are way further than the one we picked (not showing on Google, for some reason). Below you’ll see the dotted line we followed, from Nordre Skar to Fagervann. This was just over 2 km.

Fagervann is located South to Øyungen. Because it’s a bit of a walk here you’ll most likely be undisturbed here. Please notice that the walk from Skar up to Øyungen is pretty steep. The walk might not be that long, but because of how steep it is it’s a rather heavy cardio-session with a full backpack on your back.

How to get to Fagervann:
Large parking spot at Skar.
Catch the bus no. 51 Maridalen from Nydalen to the end station Skar. From here it’s just over an hor to walk (mostly up, up and away).

[…] If you’re looking for ideas to local camping trips in Oslomarka you can read my post about this […]